Monday, September 24, 2007

Skeletal and Muscle Worksheet

What percent of the body is smooth muscle? Striated muscle?
5% to 10% is smooth or cardiac muscle. 40% is striated muscle.

Name 3 types of muscle proteins. What is the function of each?
*Stroma protein- skeleton, to hold the rest of the structures in place.
*Cellular proteins- Compromise about 1/5 of the muscle protein (enzymes).
*Contractile proteins- Are essential for contraction. They constitute 35% and 15% of the total muscle protein, respectively.

What is a myofibril?
An independent cylindrical element, A single muscle cells. Responsible for banding pattern.

Sketch a picture of a sarcomere. Label the I-band, the A-band, the Z-line and the H-zone.
On a separate piece of paper.

Name the two filaments that make up a sarcomere.
The thick filament- composed of myosin molecules
Also the thin filament- composed of actin, troponin, and tropomyosin.

Draw a sarcomere at rest, stretched out and contracted.
On a seperate piece of paper.

What is the sliding filament theory?
* The state of contraction

Muscle relaxation ensues upon the removal of what?
* Calcium ions

1 comment:

Duval said...

Good job!! I am missing your sketches. You might have turned them in and I have not graded them, but if not, make sure that you turn them in.