Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Ear Anatomy Worksheet

Sketch a picture of an ear and label the following:
* On a separate piece of paper!!!! :)

Inner ear
middle ear
outer ear
tympanic membrane

What is the function of the following:
Pinna- Is a flap of cartilage which has the sole purpose of directing sound waves into the auditory canal.
tympanic membrane- Sound waves turn into sound vibrations.
Ossicles- (3 small bones) vibrates and then the ossicles magnify the sound vibrations.
Cochlea- the tiny hairs move as the fluid in the cochlea moves the hairs in turn stimulate nerve impulses to be sent to the brain by way of the auditory nerve.
semicircular canals- these canals deals with balance, the equilibrium of the body. They are filled with liquid and also have tiny hairs.

What three bones make up the ossicles?

What is the function of hairs in the ear?
* So the tiny hairs send nerve impulses to the brain by way of a nerve known as the vestibular nerve.

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