Tuesday, November 27, 2007

* The Urinary Worksheet *

1.What are three functions of the kidneys? * Filters all matter not just waste products * Selectively reabsorbs all the substances that the body can make of use * Eliminates waste products from the blood in the form of urine

2.What is the protective layer around the kidney? * The peri-renal capsule

3.What is the outer layer of the kidney? * The cortex

4.What is the urine collection system of the kidney? * The medulla

5.What is the dilated end of the ureters called? * The pelvis

6.What is the function of the bladder? * To store urine

7.What transports urine in males? Females? * Male/Urethra- transports urine to the outside of the body. It also carries semen. * Female/Urethra- Only transports urine to the outside of the body.

The Digestive Worksheet

1.What is the digestive tract? * A long continuous tube with food first entering at the mouth.
2.What happens to undigested materials in the digestive tract? *It continues down along the tube until it comes out through the anus along with dead cells.
3.Sketch the path that food takes through the digestive tract. Be sure to include the mouth, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, appendix, large intestine rectum, and all 4 sphincters. ** On a separate piece of paper ***
4.What is the function of the mouth in the digestion process? * The mouth is used to break down the food with the teeth, tongue, and the muscle movements.
5.What is the term for the small mass of food that enters into the esophagus? * Bolus
6.What triggers
peristalsis? * The presence of bolus in the esophagus
7.What is the function of the cardiac sphincter? *Closes the entrance of the stomach.
8.What is the mucous membrane? * The coating over the stomach wall which prevents digestion of itself.
9.How long is the small intestine? * Over 20 feet long
10.Where does most digestion and absorption of nutrients take place? * Small Intestines
11.What increase the surface area of the small intestine? *The Villi
12.What is the first section of the small intestine? What is its function? *The Duodenum- the receptors detect the presence of hypo and their hypo tonic solutions, acid and chemical changes in the chime.
13.Where is bile stored? * In the Gallbladder
14.What is segmentation? * A type of muscle contraction
15.When does the ileocecal sphincter open? *It opens when the build up of food in the small intestines reaches a certain point.
16.What is the function of the anal sphincter? * Stops waste from leaving the body until it is desired.
17.What is the function of the appendix in humans? * No function in humans, it may be removed when infected or desired.
18.Where does digestion begin? * Mouth
19.What is gastric juice made of? * Hydrochloric acids and enzymes
20.Where are enzymes released in the small intestine produced? * Pancreas and intestinal glands
21.What is the function of the following enzymes: amylase, lactase, maltase, sucrase, and lipase? * Amylase- Completes the process of hydrolyzing starch * Lactase- Breaks down lactose * Maltase- Breaks down maltose * Sucrase- Breaks down surcrose * Lipase- Breaks down the lipase
22.There are two ways that nutrients get into the blood stream. Describe each method. * There are the methods in which the substances diffuse across the intestinal membrane. Also by blood flowing along the concentration gradient. * Other methods are by substances being forced through the membrane against a gradient. Greater than it is in the intestinal lumen.

Part 2 (Immune System)

1. How does the flu build a resistance to drug treatment?
*Well as far as I understood strong versions of the flu are the resistant part. The strong versions then multiply and change which become more resistant to everything specially medications. So the virus evolves into other without ever killing it all and until it all resist to medication.

2. Why is the build up of resistance to an anti-flu drug referred to as evolving? *Well the conflict meaning that the resistance is caused by the mutation of the disease. Evolving means changing and that is what the virus does. So the anti-flu drug is difficult to destroy the flu virus because the virus always changes. The good part is that all the kinds of flu’s have almost the same symptom, but not every time the medication works.

3. This article named Tamiflu and Relenza as anti-flu medications. How do these drugs “get rid” of the flu virus?
• The Tamiflu prevents viral reproduction of flu. Well this stops the enzymes stopping the flu to reproduce in the blood stream.
• The Relanza also gets Neuraminidase, meaning it prevents the flu virus from spreading. It also removes the sialic acid receptors and newly formed viral parts.

4. Can antibiotics be prescribed to treat the flu? Why or Why not?
* Well antibiotics fight against bacterial infections and the flu is a viral infection. By taking antibiotics in your body you’re not going to cure the flu but only make your body resistant to antibiotics. The consequences are very harmful when drinking antibiotics you don’t take medicine without a prescription because you may regret it when antibiotics instead of helping end up hurting you.

Article #1

This article is basically telling me that there is many types of viruses or desease that may appear to be the same but are different. In other words everytime there is a cold wether or a change of weather people get a new flu shot. We all get a new flu shot because every year its a different type a flu with the same symptoms but different bacteria. Some desease like chickenpops could be prevented because there is only one type of desease. So this article opens our eyes to the reality letting us learn that we are wrong in thinking we get the same sore throught or flu all the time. There are millions of viruses that we can't even imagine how many we ahve had.

By reading this article I have learn something surprizing. I always thought we would have the same sickness all the time but apperently I was wrong. I am thankful for reading this article because it has made my knowledge grown. It is important to know all this facts because we may be drinking antibiotics and harming our bodies without knowing. Our Immune system is very important so its helpful to know all this facts in order to prevent future negligence.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Part 3 My response and summary

Summary response

The article I read in anatomy class seemed very interesting because it was about good bacteria I had never heard of. Probiotics are very beneficial as far as scientist and doctors say. In this article it explains how probiotics help your digestive system and your immune system by eating products like yogurt. This is very interesting because it does really help our body and prevent us from other side effect we often get like diarrhea. So basically this article identifies what probiotics do to the common human body. For example it says that probiotics ease the symptoms of Inflamatory Bowel decease and lactose intolerance. Scientist also have evidence of probiotics that may help combat allergies and enhance the immune system.
In my opinion this article can help many people who have the misconception regarding bacteria. Sanitizer liquid is often use for our outer body but imagine drinking sanitizer inside our body and killing the good bacteria we need. Yeah it definitely cleared my mind in understanding how bacteria are very needful even though the word bacteria may sound disgusting. Yes, now I will eat more yogurts than before because we all need the good bacteria but drinking pills is not my thing. I am so glad probiotics come in food it makes it easier for all the community to have the good bacteria in them.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Questions on Text

Text Questions
(Page 579)

Critical Thinking Question:

6) If a woman whose blood is Rh-negative and contains anti-Rh antibodies is carrying a fetus with Rh-negative blood, will then fetus be in danger of developing erythroblastosis fetalis? Why or why not?
Well in my opinion it shouldn’t because they are dealing with the same type of blood. If the baby had a different blood type than it can probably cause it to have it.
Review Exercises:

3) Describe a red blood cell.
They are tiny biconcave disk- thin around the center and thicker around the rims.

6) Describe the life cycle of a red blood cell.
First in the early stage it has a nuclei then later on it becomes less active. This causes the spleen and liver to remove them.

10) List two sources of iron that can be used for the synthesis of hemoglobin.

14) Describe a blood platelet, and explain its functions.
They are cells that are not complete and come from the megakarocytes. The two functions are to help repair damage blood vessels by sticking them to broken surfaces and reducing the blood flow.

18) Distinguish between low-density lipoprotein and high- density lipoprotein.
Low- density lipoprotein- has a high concentration of cholesterol that carries lipoproteins to various cells like liver cells.
High- density lipoproteins- has a high concentration of protein and a lower concentration of lipids. Lipoproteins delivers to the liver remnants of chylimicrons that have given up their triglycerides.

27) List the major steps leading to the formation to a blood cloth.
First blood vessel spasm, platelets plug formation, and blood coagulation.
It releases biochemical from broken or damaged tissue to extrinsic clotting mechanism. So, I guess it stimulates the clotting mechanism.

38) Explain why a person with blood type AB is sometimes called a universal recipient.
They are sometimes called a universal recipient because of the lack of anti-A and Anti-B antibodies. This means they can receive a transfusion of blood of any other type.

39) Explain why a person with blood type O is sometimes called a universal donor.
Well they are sometimes called a universal donor because of the lack of antigens A and B so it allows this people to donate into other people with any type of blood.

Text Questions
(Page 647 and 648)

Review Exercises:

2) Describe the pericardium.
The pericardium encloses the heart and where it is attached at the closer end of the blood vessels.

4) Identify and describe the locations of the chambers and the valves of the heart.
The heart has 4 deep chambers, two on the top and two in the bottom. The upper chambers are called Atria and lower chambers are called ventricles.
The bicuspid valve prevents the blood from flowing back into the left atrium from the ventricle that is located on the left.
The tricuspid valve is between the right atrium and the right ventricle. This allows the blood to move from the atrium into the ventricle and prevents it from moving backwards.

6) Trace the path of the blood through the heart.
Blood enters through the pulmonary veins into the left atrium. From the left atrium it goes to the left ventricle and out through the aorta artery. From the aorta artery it goes to the lungs. From the lungs blood enters the right atrium through the superior and inferior vena cava. From the right atrium it goes to the right ventricle and out through the pulmonary artery. And it goes on from the beginning all over again.

10) Explain the origin of the heart sounds.
Heart sounds comes from the vibrations in the heart tissue when the blood moves through the circulatory system into the whole body.

19) Describe the function and structure of a capillary.
The Structure- they are considered to be the smallest blood vessels. Since they are small they connect to the smallest arterioles and the smallest venules.
The function- They house the exchanges of gases, nutrients, and metabolic by products between the blood and the tissue.

36) Describe the relationship between the major venous pathways and the major arterial pathways.
The venous system starts with the merging of capillaries into venues, venous into small vain and last small veins into larger ones.
The Arterial Pathways, however, the ones in the venous system are difficult to follow because the vessel commonly connect in irregular networks.

(Page 818)
Review Exercises:

Distinguish between the upper and lower respiratory tracts.
The upper respiratory tract receives blood
The lower respiratory tract sends blood
Explain how the nose and nasal cavity filter incoming air.
The internal hairs of the nostrils prevent large particles to carry in the air from entering the nose.

5) Distinguish between the pharynx and the larynx.
The pharynx is a passageway for air and food.
The larynx is an inferior passageway for air moving in and out of the trachea. So larynx is inferior to the pharynx.

9) List the successive branches of the bronchial tree, from the primary bronchi to the alveoli.
Well it starts with the right and left primary bronchi, when later it divides into secondary lobar bronchi. Then, it divides again into tertiary segmental bronchi. After they turn into interlobular bronchioles. The next branch would be the Terminal bronchioles and then they are becoming the respiratory bronchioles. Then they are the Alveolar ducts. After that they are the Alveolar sacs. And last there are the alveoli.

16) Define surfactant, and explain its functions.
Surfactant is a mixture of lipoproteins that are secreted into alveolar air spaces.
Its function is to help you breathe by making it easier for the alveoli to inflate.

22) Compare the mechanisms of coughing and sneezing. Explain the function of each.
The comparison of coughing and sneezing is that they are similar because they both clear passageways of foreign objects but with different functions.
Cough- this forces air upward from the lower respiratory tracts
Sneezing- this forces air upward from the upper respiratory tract

23) Explain the function of yawning.
Yawning- this helps to ventilate alveoli by allowing the blood to receive more oxygen.

31) Define hyperventilation. Explain how it effects the respiratory center.
Hyperventilation- this lowers the blood carbon dioxide concentration below normal. It effects it because it makes it take longer for carbon dioxide to reach normal levels.

35) Describe how oxygen is transported in blood.
Oxygen travels through the blood bound to hemoglobin, so then it would dissolve and mixes with hemoglobin.

36) List three factors that increase release of oxygen from the blood.
Oxyhemoglobin increases the release of oxygen
The blood pH decreases
Increase in temperature
Increase in carbon dioxide acidity

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Basic Respiratory Anatomy Worksheet

1. What are the two entrances for oxygen to enter the respiratory system?
Nose and Mouth

2. Where does the air go to from the nose and mouth?
Pharynx and then goes through the trachea

3. In between the pharynx and the trachea what structure does this lesson leave out?
The Esophagus

4. Where is the trachea located in reference to the esophagus?

5. What structures moisten the air in the Respiratory System?
The nose and the mouth

6. What is the name for the small air sacs at the end of the bronchioles?

7. Where does gas exchange take place in the lungs?
In the alveoli it exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide

8. What is the main muscle of respiration?

9. What happens when we inhale? Exhale?
· When we inhale the diaphragm contracts
· When it relaxes we exhale

10. Sketch a picture of the respiratory system. Include the following structures: nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchioles, alveoli and lungs.
On a seperate piece of paper!!! :)

The Heart Worksheet

  1. All vertebrates have what type of circulatory system?
    Closed Circulatory system

  2. How does the circulatory system maintain homeostasis?
    It maintains homeostasis through water and electrolyte transport, fluid volume control, and regulation of pH and of body temperature.

  3. Name 4 functions of the circulatory system.
    Transport dissolved nutrients to all the body cells
    It carries hormones which help regulate certain body functions
    It transports gasses (oxygen to the cells, Carbon dioxide away from cells)
    Transports antibodies that contribute to the body’s immunological responses and produces some of them

  4. What are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart called?

  5. What are blood vessels that carry blood to the heart called?

  6. What is the sac that surrounds the heart called?

  7. What is the muscular portion of the heart called?

  8. What is the lining of the myocardium called?

  9. What is the name of the upper cavities of the heart? The lower cavities?
    (Pericardial cavity- Serous,Fibrous )
    Upper cavities- Atria
    Lower cavity- Ventricles

  10. What veins carry blood to the left atrium? The right atrium?
    The superior vena cava and inferior vena cava for the right atrium
    Pulmonary veins for the left atrium

  11. What arteries carry blood away from the left ventricle? The right ventricle?
    The left ventricle is the aorta
    The right ventricle is the artery

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Article Assignment

As far as I understood in this article there are some contradictions. There is a stem cell researcher named Steve Stice who has discovered a new way to use cells for protection on our national security. The only problem is that the new invention needs dead human embryos that last up to four months for the machine to detect the presence of chemical agents. A stem cell researcher collects cell that don’t have a function and uses it for something useful like Steve did with his idea.
This creation effects some people ethically because even though the embryos are dead some people think it isn’t good to use them for creations like the ones they have started. Steve to prevent this issue was using nerve cells from mouse embryos but the problem was that it would only last the machine to be useful for two weeks. So that caused for the invention of using human embryos that last longer than mouse embryos.
In my opinion our president George Bush is right by saying that destroying human embryos to extract stem cells crosses a moral line. I am totally against that if the embryos were force to be killed, but as far as I know there are a lot of people that having abortions. Instead of throwing them to the trash scientist are trying to make a use of unwanted embryos, I suggest. If people wouldn’t make as much abortions than there wouldn’t be ideas to use something that is being done. So its not the scientist fault is just the people that have the heart to abort their babies they are the ones we should be against.
Well in conclusion, This is a device is only helping out soldiers and Americans. Scientist are just trying to make use of embryos that are naturally dead. It effects people who are sensitive and that know that poor embryos that deserve to be buried are just used like some kind of chemical. Yeah I understand its wrong but in my opinion dose embryos are saving other lives on war so they are being useful for a good cause. Those embryos are heroes by protecting live people. So after all they came to heart for a reason I guess. That’s my opinion on these devices.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Eye Anatomy Worksheet

The eye is part of which nervous system?
Central Nervous System

What types of tissues give the eye protection?
The fatty and Connective tissue

What structure in the eye produces tears?
*Lacrimal Glands

What acts as an antibacterial layer in the eye?
Con juctiva

What is the cornea?
The outer protective layer of the eye, The anterior (front) portion of the sclera

What layer of the eye contains the rods and cones?
Retina layer

What is the function of the rods? The cones?
Cones- are for daylight vision and color vision
Rods- are for night vision

What is the colored part of the eye?

What structure allows light to enter the eye?

Sketch picture of eye with following labeled:
O n a seperate piece of paper!!!
lacrimal glands, eyelashes, iris, pupil, cornea, lens, eyelid, sclera, choroids, optic nerve, and retina

Ear Anatomy Worksheet

Sketch a picture of an ear and label the following:
* On a separate piece of paper!!!! :)

Inner ear
middle ear
outer ear
tympanic membrane

What is the function of the following:
Pinna- Is a flap of cartilage which has the sole purpose of directing sound waves into the auditory canal.
tympanic membrane- Sound waves turn into sound vibrations.
Ossicles- (3 small bones) vibrates and then the ossicles magnify the sound vibrations.
Cochlea- the tiny hairs move as the fluid in the cochlea moves the hairs in turn stimulate nerve impulses to be sent to the brain by way of the auditory nerve.
semicircular canals- these canals deals with balance, the equilibrium of the body. They are filled with liquid and also have tiny hairs.

What three bones make up the ossicles?

What is the function of hairs in the ear?
* So the tiny hairs send nerve impulses to the brain by way of a nerve known as the vestibular nerve.

senses graphic organizer

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Nervous System Worksheet

What does CNS and PNS stand for?
Central Nervous System- is the nerve center of the human body, controls all body activities except chemical functions
Peripheral Nervous System- lies outside the brain and spinal cord and serves as a message system between various organs and muscles of the body and the CNS.
Connects the CNS with the rest of the body

What are the parts of the CNS?
* Consist of the brain and spinal cord and it controls thinking, memory and behavior.

Describe something that you do on a regular basis that your PNS controls.
* Maintain digestion and controls the urge to urinate.

What are the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system and what does each control?
Sympathetic- controls stress, worry, fear and emergency
Parasympathetic- brings the body back to a normal state and allows for rest and relaxation to occur.

What are the three main types of neurons? Whh
at is the function of each?
Sensory neuron- It deals with the senses it takes the impulse towardsthe CNS to the spinal cord
Motor neuron- Carries the impulse from the CNS for an action
Interneuron- moves the impulse within the CNS.

What is the function of the axon of a nerve cell? The dendrite?
Axon- Is the sending end of a neuron
Dendrite- Is the receiving end of a neuron

What is a synapse?
Synapse- transfers the impulse from one neuron to another.

Sketch a neuron and label the axon and the dendrite.
*on a separate piece of paper!!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Skeletal and Muscle Worksheet

What percent of the body is smooth muscle? Striated muscle?
5% to 10% is smooth or cardiac muscle. 40% is striated muscle.

Name 3 types of muscle proteins. What is the function of each?
*Stroma protein- skeleton, to hold the rest of the structures in place.
*Cellular proteins- Compromise about 1/5 of the muscle protein (enzymes).
*Contractile proteins- Are essential for contraction. They constitute 35% and 15% of the total muscle protein, respectively.

What is a myofibril?
An independent cylindrical element, A single muscle cells. Responsible for banding pattern.

Sketch a picture of a sarcomere. Label the I-band, the A-band, the Z-line and the H-zone.
On a separate piece of paper.

Name the two filaments that make up a sarcomere.
The thick filament- composed of myosin molecules
Also the thin filament- composed of actin, troponin, and tropomyosin.

Draw a sarcomere at rest, stretched out and contracted.
On a seperate piece of paper.

What is the sliding filament theory?
* The state of contraction

Muscle relaxation ensues upon the removal of what?
* Calcium ions

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Basic Joint Anatomy Worksheet

Why is there little to no movement in a fibrous joint?
*Because it is hold tightly together by the fibrous tissue.

What is an example of a fibrous joint?
* The skull

Describe a cartilaginous joint and give an example.
* The cartilaginous joint hold united bones by the intervening fibrocartilage, and has very little movement. An example is the intervertebral discs on the vertebrae located on the spinal column.

What type of joint essentially allows free movement?
*Synovial Joints

What lubricates a joint cavity?
* Synovial fluid

For the following joint types please list the name of the joint type, the type of movement of the joint, the shape of the joint and an example.

Plane joint- Curved articular that permits gliding and slipping in a direction carpal bones.

Hinge joint- like an irregular cylinder that fits into concave groove elbow joints.

Condylar joint- Has two surfaces in each bone called condyles, similar to the hinge joint the knee joint is an example.

Ball and Socket joint- Spherical articulation which fits into a cup shaped cavity on the other bone can movement possible, shoulder joint.

Ellipsoidal joint- Wrist joint, oval that permits movement in variety directions.

Pivot joint- Has a bony peg that fits into concave notch which makes it rotate, the radius and ulna.

Saddle joint- Two western saddles movements occur in variety directions, joint at the base of the thumb.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Skeletal Anatomy worksheet

Describe the 4 functions of bones.
Support the body, Protecting internal organs, Provide muscle attachment, and Blood cell production

How many bones are there in the human body?
About 206

What are the two divisions of the skeletal system? Name 5 specific bones in each division.
Axial Skeleton- skull, pelvis, ribs, coccyx, and sacrum
Appendicular skeleton- humerus, ulna , phalanges, patella, and tibia.

What bone makes up the upper arm?
* Humerus

What bone makes up the face?
* skull

Name two bones that protect vital internal organs.
* Ribs cage, and pelvis

What bone in the forearm is always on thumb side?
* Radius

What bone is movable for back muscles to attach to?
* Vertebral column

What bone is also known as the shin bone?
* Tibia

Sketch a human skeleton and label the following bones: skull, clavicle, sternum, humerus, radius, ulna, patella, femur, tibia, fibula, pelvis, vertebral column, scapula and rib cage.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Video Questions

1. Do you think that the symmetry test conducted on the baby was flawed? How? Describe how you would design an experiment that could fool the baby and skew the results.
Well in my opinion the experiment only supports their opinion but doesn’t really prove anything at all. I don’t think babies know the difference between ugly and beautiful unless it was something really horrible. They should have demonstrated other babies taking that same experiment. I think a baby stays penetrated on the picture that comes out first. Well I wouldn’t make experiments for any reason with babies.

2. What is missing from this video about beauty?
I notice that this video doesn’t describe the inside beauty. Other people have like the example of Bill Gates, he isn’t super fine but his brain took him further than any other beautiful person has gone through. Inner beauty is the most important subject because without inner beauty a person cannot reflect the value a person really has.

3. What are features that might break the “typical” beauty rules? How are these different from the “typical” beauty rules?
Well being asymmetrical breaks the supposable typical rules but yet there are beautiful people that are not
4. How does this video make you feel about beauty?

Well beauty can cause people to do many things as the video shows and that is really upsetting. It makes me feel that beauty is taken so far for some people leading them not be satisfied with themselves. Um and disgusted after seeing the surgery people had and the strength they had to do that.

5. What is it about the skin that makes it returning to its place? What property is this?
* Elastic properties make come back to its place.
6. What are the risks of cosmetic surgery? Would you ever do it? What would you be willing to risk for cosmetic surgery? How long will it last?
The risky part is being in coma for so long and something going wrong disaffirming a part of your body. On the other hand if I had the body that lady had I would take the risk because that was nasty. I thank god because there is nothing in me that I would want to change in particular. So no, I wouldn’t risk it only with all the exaggerating fat hanging and not having any other solution.

7. Someone in the video is quoted as saying “make-up can make anyone prettier.” Do you agree with this? Support your answer.
Well make up does help everyone but not everyone needs it. There are beautiful people who don’t need it but at a certain age it can help. Its like a painting, color gives it a brighter sight of it, but it’s not necessary. I just know that makes up does some miracles on some persons.

8. Do you think that there are cultural differences in how cosmetic surgery is viewed?
No surgery is just disgusting and nasty when it deals with blood. Um I don’t know but religious people are most likely to go against it. And in the other hand some may love the technology there is to help them, with the risk of something going wrong. Everyone has their own opinion regarding their self-esteem.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Article Assignment

I read the article on Homeostasis and it basically identifies the consequences and causes of osteoporosis or at least thats what I understood. Sea water use to give calcium until mammals and other ancestors needed a better way for calcium. Any body resides in their skeleton approximately 99% of bodily calcium. Scientist started to investigate new forms for obtaining calcium and they found calcium homestasis. This process observes calcium from the bones but can cause a bad effect on your body like obtaining osteoporisis. Osteoporosis is a desease were the loss of bone density provokes pain in all the skeleton. This desease is mostly common on elderly popularity.
When the process of calcium homeostasis is performed on a person it sacrificeses the skeleton and it maintains the dequate blood calcium levels. Parathyroid hormone(PTH) is the regulatory system at the heart of calcium homeostasis. When ever the (PTH) in other words whenever the calcium level drops it developes osteoclasts that destry bones by dissolving them. They also retrieve the calcium for the body.(PTH) is a hormone that tryes to boost blood calcium levels to regulate.
Vitamin D is very important for every body. Exercising is very healthy for bones. Every one should exercise in order to prevent osteoporosis. Trying to have vitamin D in your system can help you absorb food and it may also help cause osteoporosis by producing osteoclast. So vitamins or good for some people but it can harm others. Thats life this was very intersting to me. My mom says that avoiding heat on bones can also prevent osteoporosis but who knows. I really enjoyed reading this article. I learned a lot.

Book questions on unit 2

Chapter 1-
Distinguish between the study of anatomy and the study of physiology.
*Anatomy is the study of the body structure and physiology is the study of the body functions.
Give an example that shows the relationship between the structure and function of body parts.
* Stomach
List the levels of organizations within the human body in reference to a specific organ.
*Atom, Molecule, Macromolecules, Cell, Organelles, Tissue, organ, and organ system
Distinguish between a midsagittal cut, a transverse cut, and a frontal cut.
Midsagittal cut- sagittal (vertical) plane divides into right and left parts.
Transverse cut- trnsverse (horizontal ) plane, divides into superior and inferior parts
Frontal cut- frontal (coronal) plane, divides into anterior and posterior parts
Distinguish between the dorsal and ventral body cavities, and name two smaller cavities that occur within each.
Dorsal- cranial and spinal cavities
Ventral- thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities
Define homeostasis, and explain its importance.
Homeostasis- is the relative constancy of the body’s internal environment, which is composed of blood and the tissue fluid that bathes the cells.
All the body’s systems contribute to homeostasis because it regulates or maintains the body at a good blood temperature.
Objective Questions:
Part IV-
Digestive system
Urinary system
Respiratory system
Circulatory system
Reproductive system
Nervous system
Endocrine system
19. Thyroid gland (g)
20. Lungs (c)
21. Heart (d)
22. Ovaries (e)
23. Brain (f)
24. Stomach (a)
25. Kidneys (b)
Part V-
26. A(n) __organ___ is composed of several types of tissues and performs a particular function.
27. The imaginary plane that passes through the midline of the body is called the __sagittal___ plane.
28. All the organ systems of the body together function to maintain __homeostasis__ , a relative constancy of the internal environment.

Medical Terminology Reinforcement Exercise
3. Gastrectomy means excision of the ___stomach_____.
Macrocephalus means large __head____.
Trans thoracic means across the ___chest___.
Bilateral means two or both __sides____.
Dorsalgia means pain in the __back____.
Endocrinology is the __study_____ of the endocrine system (secretions within).

Chapter 4-
4. Describe the structure and function of endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Include the terms smooth (ER) rough (ER), and ribosomes in your description.
*Endoplasmic reticulum- membranous system of tubular canals begins the nuclear envelope and branches throughout the cytoplasm. It has ribosomes on it and the soft (ER) has no ribosome on it.
5. Describe the structure and function of the Golgi apparatus. Mention vesicles and lysosomes in your description.
* Golgi apparatus- it secretes a product. A lysosome is a type of vesicle in it.
6. Describe the structure and function of mitochondria. Mention the energy molecule ATP in your description.
* Mitochondria- blood, glucose, level
8. Contrast passive transport (diffusion, osmosis, and filtration) with active transport of molecules across the plasma membrane.
*Active transport requires more energy.

Objective question
Match the organelles in the key to the functions given in quest 1-5.
Golgi apparatus
Rough (ER)
packaging and secretion (c)
cell division (e)
powerhouses of the cell (a)
protein synthesis (d)
control center for cell (b)

Chapter 5-
What is a tissue?
*A tissue is composed of similarly specialized cells that perform a common function in the body.
What are the functions of epithelial tissue? Name the different kinds of epithelial tissue, and give a location for each.
Epithelial tissue- continuous layer, over entire body surface inner cavities
Squamous epithelium- composed flat cells, lines the long and blood vessels.
Cuboidal epithelium- cubed shape, lines the kidney tubules
Columnar epithelium- located near bottom (lining the digestive tract)
Stratified- layers piled (nose, mouth, canal, etc)
Pseudostratified- be layered (not exist) cell touches the baseline)
What are the functions of connective tissue? Name the different kinds of connective tissue, and give a location for each.
* Connective tissue- binds structures together, provides support and protection, fills spaces, produces blood cells, and stores fat.
* Loose Connective Tissue- mainly fibroblasts distance from one another
Fibrous Connective tissue- found in Tendons and ligaments
Cartilage- Hyaline, in nose. Elastic, framework of outer ear. Fibrocartilage, wedges in knee joint or pads between vertebrae of backbone
Bone- Everywhere in the body, spongy bone on the top of bone
Blood- (erythrocytes) (leukocytes) located all body in plasma
Muscular tissue- skeletal (inside the plasma membrane), smooth (stomach etc), and cardiac muscle (only heart).
Nervous tissue- located in brain and spinal cord
Name the different types of body membranes, and associate each type with a particular location in the body.
* Mucous- interior walls of the organs (nose, stomach)
Serous- line cavities, cover internal organs (heart)
Synovial- line freely movable joint cavities, composed of connective tissue
Meninges- membranes found within the dorsal cavity(brain and spinal cord)
Cutaneous- (skin) forms outer covering of the body

Cell novanet questions

Explain the difference between anatomy and physiology.
*The difference between anatomy and physiology is that anatomy is the study of the human body structures and physiology is the study of functions of the human body structures.
Please organize the following structures in order from smallest to largest: system, tissue, organ, and cell.
Cell, tissue, organ, system
In the term physiology the suffix -logy means what?
* The study of something
What is the type of membrane that lines all of the passages leading the exterior? * Mucous Membranes
What do you call a mass of cells that all perform the same function?
* A tissue
What type of tissue is specialized for the conduction of nerve impulses?
* Nerve
The term epidermis contains a prefix and a root term. What is the root in this word and what does it mean? What is the prefix in this word and what does it mean? * Epi- upon * Dermis- skin
The term cavity appears frequently in this lesson. What does it mean?
A hole or opening, a hollow area
Name the four main types of tissue and describe their function.
1. Epithelial- skin, lines cavities within the body.
2. Connective- supports protects, bones cartilage, adipose (fat)
3. Muscle- specialized for contraction.
4. Nerve- specialized for the conduction of neural impulse.
A cell is made of ____cytoplasm______________ except for the nucleus which is made of ___protoplasm_______________.
What type of membrane lines joint cavities and outer surfaces of bones?
Fibrous Membrane
What is an organ system?
*A group of organs that are specialized to perform a major body function.
Name the five types of membranes and where each is located.
Cutaneous- skin compose of sheets epithelial and connective tissue.
Mucous- lines all passageways that lead to exterior body
Fibrous- lines all joint cavities, cover the outer surface of bones.
Serous- lines closed cavities and the organs in them.
What is the function of the cell membrane? The nucleus?
* The cell membrane, It transports and protects proteins.
* The nucleus stores heredity and genes (DNA).
The cutaneous membrane is made of two distinct layers. Name each of these layers and describe what they are made of.
Epidermis- (outer layer) is epithelial sheets of cutaneous membrane.
Dermis- (Corium) Composed of mainly of connective tissue and microscopic organs such as the sweat gland or the sebaceous gland.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

My love without taste

I once knew a young guy with adipose tissue all around him. He was the sweetest men ever having words coming up to his head like cephalad. Although he was fat, he didn't really attracted me in any way. He took a biology class to see if he can make me fall in love with him by learning about life, but I wasn't interested at all. Instead I was learning more about oculist and how they interact with patients.
One day when he came to bring me roses to my house, the police was looking for a homocide hiding in the same street. Unfortanitely he got shot and hit in his cranium. I started crying and wanted that homocide to get decapitate as soon as possible. The police had a pedometer to calculate the mesure of the distance the bullet took to hit my admieror.
He was taken to the hospital with the lateral bullet on his head. I was feeling like if I had an epilapsy going on through my mind not knowing what to do. Mean while a phagocyte was developing inside his brain. "Can this be true?" I would ask myself. He was going to have an angiography in order to see deaper inside the injury. He didn't deserve dieing for me. His soul was abducting as far away from me and that got me scared. I started praying asking God to extend his life.The circumduction of my nerves led me to my spiritual death. I had to intercome with his family to let them know what went on. They told me that they came 4 his autograph, he died.I took them and he had disapered. My heart started pumping hard damaging even my pluera.
A sphycologist would have to interrogate me on this story. I would have to prevent pseudologia fantastica in order for people to believe me. This story made me feel crazy, I even had an influence with an cystitis desease after this crisis. I started developing an epidemic desease inside of me, and was told that I was going to die. Everyone thought I was crazy until that guy appeared one day there at the hospital. After that day the hospital was closed and cause many people to obtain hepatitis. Was it a bad spirit? Who knows, but this story is just written in the government in order for people not to know on what land they are living on. It can even be the land your living on now!!!! Learn more about were your feet are stepping. The history of every land is important. Also make sure not to interact with strangers they can be ghost or even angels.

Fun creative words ;)

Drills on Diction Assignment

****************** Root- Term- Definition- Sentence ***************

adip- adipose- Relating to fat- When fat people get diseases they don’t know that the adipose tissue in them can cause them death.

Bio- biology- the study of life- Every high school student is required to pass a biology class before receiving a high school diploma.

Capit- decapitate- to behead- In the bible I have read that in the future people are going to make injustice by decapitating religious followers of Jesus.

Cephal- cephalad- towards the head- The nerves in your body gives automatic vibrations as cephaled.

Corp- corpse- A animal or human body- There are many topics regarding corpses like for example Autopsy.

Crani- cranium- another word for skull, a bony structure protecting the brain- There is a game named cranium which I recommend to everyone.

Dent- dentist- a profession that resolves the problems with teeth- I went with an orthodontic I passed to check my teeth with a dentist.

Hist- History- the study of the past, focused on human activity and leading up to the present day- When you go to school history is one of the most important subjects to learn.

Later- lateral- an anatomical direction- Lateral is one of my vocabulary words in assignment.

Ocul- oculist- a physician who treats diseases of the eye- My sister had to go to see an oculist for her eyes.

Oste- osteomalacia- is a softening of the bones, resulting from defective bone mineralization- When children get osteomalacia is defined as rickets.

Phag- phagocyte- a cell capable of engulfing and digesting foreign particles or other cells- A students learned the meaning of phagocyte today in class.

Pleur- pleural cavity- the area that contains the lungs- Without a pleural cavity our lungs wouldn’t be protected as it is with this cavity.

Quad- quadrilateral- a rectangular area surrounded on all four sides by buildings- In any geometry class they always define the quadrilateral planes.

Stern- sternum- the breast bone- Whenever I cook for my boyfriends I always give him the sternum of the chicken.

Ab- abduction- moving away from the midline of the body- Today in class I showed what abduction movement was with the doll I did.

Ad- adduction- moving toward the midline of the body-When you have your feet together it identifies the adduction of the legs.

Angi- angioplasty- is the mechanical widening of a narrowed or totally-obstructed blood vessel- Most people need an angioplasty, there often caused by atherosclerosis and this molding is required.

Auto- autograph- person’s signature- My sister was collecting autograph’s of celebrities and ended up with a philography collection.

Centi- centimeter- a metric unit of measurement of length- The ruler divides it self in centimeters through one side only.

Dextro- dextromanual- being or tending to be right-handed- People with their dextromanual talent are very fast.

Epi- epilepsy- chronic neurological disorder, characterized as unprovoked seizures- I had a friend in school who needed extra attention in case of any seizure would occur.

Ex- extension (telephone) - an internal telephone line attached to a PBX or Centrex system- I needed an extension cord for me to get online in the internet through the phone line.

Inter- interrogation- is a methodology employed during the interview of a person to obtain information that the source would not otherwise willingly disclose- The criminal had to go through the interrogation in order to approve him guilty.

Non- non-toxic chemicals- chemicals that prevent form cancer and pollution- Hospitals and organizations advise the community to obtain non-toxic chemicals for protection.

Ortho- orthodontist- is a dentist who specializes in making teeth straight, instead of fixing cavities- After I went to the dentist, I found an orthodontist for braces in order to have a nice smile.

Path- pathology- the study of disease- When you want to be a doctor you should take a pathology class.

Pseudo- pseudologia fantastica- is one of several terms applied by psychiatrists to the behaviors of habitual or compulsive lying- My friend went to a psychiatrist and was told that she had problems dealing with pseudologia fantastica that made her be surprised.
Cide- homicide- refers to the act of killing another human being- The homicide left no clue for the criminal charges.

Itis- Cystitis- is information of the urinary bladder- Some old ladies tend to have cystitis more easily than men.

Logy- ecology- is the scientific study of the distribution and abundance of living organisms- My sister took an ecology class in her first year in college.

Meter- parameter- is quantities that define certain relatively constant characteristics of systems or functions- In my other class they were comparing the definition of parameter.

Plasty- Nucleoplasty- percutaneous radiofrequency thermomodulation, experimental for the decompression of herniated vertebral disks- The boss at the shop I would work at, needed a nucleoplasty surgery.

Scope- microscope- is an instrument for viewing objects that are too small to be seen by the naked or unaided eye- My dad bought me a microscope for my birthday which made me very happy.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hi! My name is Debora Gomez andI hope to enjoy Anatomy as much as my teacher does. ;)